
Since 2020, Hashtag Ensemble has been hosting a debate on the effects of the digital revolution in music, pandemic and post-pandemic challenges faced by musical cultural institutions, as well as the social responsibility of classical and contemporary music in Poland and Europe. The debate took place in the Internet space, as well as live during the #PlayFair panel at the AżTak Festival, 6.07.2022.

As part of GrajFair and GrajFair2.0, we hosted outstanding activists, journalists, curators and musicians, including:

  • Krzysztof Pietraszewski
  • Monika Pasiecznik
  • Adam Suprynowicz
  • Wioletta Żochowska
  • Miłosz Bembinow
  • Joanna Grotkowska
  • Ryszard Wojciul
  • Jan Topolski

We entitled our action #GrajFair, encouraging authors, recipients and institutions to create a sustainable and friendly environment for musical art.

Naszą akcję zatytułowaliśmy #GrajFair, zachęcając twórców, odbiorców i instytucje do tworzenia zrównoważonego i przyjaznego środowiska dla sztuki muzycznej.