managed by Sphere of Harmony Foundation

#ART is a NGO programe founded in 2013, which supports artistic activities and development of Hashtag Ensemble. Since July 2017 the exclusive operator of the programe is Sphere of Harmony Foundation.
Sphere of Harmony Foundation Board:
- Anna Ćwiek-Karpowicz – Chairman of the Board
- Aleksandra Demowska-Madejska – Vice Chairman of the Board
- Wojciech Błażejczyk – Member of the Board
#ART cooperated with following donation programes:
- Composers’ Commissions, Intitute for Music and Dance (2014-2019)
- Composer in Residence, Intitute for Music and Dance (2014/15 and 2017/18)
- New Interpretations, Intitute for Music and Dance (2014/2015)
- Musical Trace, Polish Ministry of Culture (2019)
- Promotion Fund, StoArt Association (2014-2019)
- Creation Support Fund ZAiKS (2015-2019)
- Cultural Bridges, Adam Mickiewicz Institute (2018, 2019)
- Cultural Projects for Wola District, the City of Warsaw (2017, 2019)
- Cultural Projects for Central District, the City of Warsaw (2019)
#ART cooperated with following festivals and cultural intitutions:
- Sacrum Profanum Festival (Cracow)
- Warsaw Autumn Festival
- Tallin Afekt Festival
- Poznańska Wiosna Muzyczna Festival (Poznan)
- Musica Electronica Nova Festival (Wrocław)
- Letnie Ogrody Muzyczne Festival (Warsaw)
- Warszawskie Spotkania Muzyczne Festival (Warsaw)
- Nowe Fale Festival (Gdansk)
- Polish Jews Museum POLIN (Warsaw)
- U-Jazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art (Warsaw)
- Polish Radio Choir (Cracow)
- CRICOTEKA Tadeusz Kantor Centre (Cracow)
- Chopin University (Warsaw)
- Polska Orkiestra Sinfonia Iuventus
- Muzyka Jest dla Wszystkich Foundation
- Polish Association for Contemporary Music
- The Association of Polish Composers
- Polish Institute in Budapest
- Polish Institute in Minsk
- Slovak Institute in Warsaw